FAQ: The Game Canopy™
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Will There be Other Add-Ons for More Bags?

We made an executive decision to limit the number of options to ensure timely delivery and more cost effective shipping and handling at this time. We appreciate your interest, and we are looking to the future to find other ways to offer additional items. Again, this is to ensure the smoothest and quickest fulfillment for all our current pledges.

Last updated: April 21, 2016 21:14

Why is the Estimated Delivery a Year Away?

We want to budget plenty of time for the manufacturing and the complete fulfillment process. At this time, we don’t know the final volume of bags being made, so we planned with that in mind. We hope to fulfill sooner, but would rather disappoint some now, with possible longer wait times, rather than frustrating all later. But rest assured, we will keep you updated along the way!

Update ~ May 19, 2016 Here are some behind-the-scenes things that have been going on to help us move smoothly and efficiently through our timeline [we do trust that we will be fulfilling sooner, but have budgeted plenty of time for unforeseen delays]: 1.) We have the Game Canopy design feature locked and prototype for the upgraded Vanguard will be entering the final stages 2.) We have been in contact with Backerkit, and are moving forward with creating the post Kickstarter pledge management specifics 3.) We live close to Fieldtex ~ our chosen manufacturer and maker of industrial, medical and military high-end bags (and the creator of Ralph Lauren’s duffle design for the 2014 Sochi Olympics http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/money/business/2014/02/07/olympics-duffel-bags-fieldtex-brighton-ralph-lauren/5292583/) ~ Currently we are in contact with them weekly, and visit in person often ~ this helps to expedite changes, and gives us an opportunity to be working directly with their excellent designers and product management staff. ~ We have already talked to them about production schedules, current backer count, and the options that have unlocked in our stretch goals. All of these items fit into our timeline with very minimal extensions for the new products. 4.) We have met with our packaging manufacturer, and already have a preliminary mock-up for the custom packaging that we are designing for the Game Canopy System 5.) Fulfillment logistics is going very well, as we have had several meetings with the fulfillment provider and other customs and shipping experts We hope this helps to see how much has been going on before and during the campaign to hit the ground running once we land back on earth ;D

Last updated: May 19, 2016 13:49

Concerning International Shipping ~ & Questions About EU Friendly:

To all our EU backers ~ we wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at what we have been doing to find a solution. There are several factors going into the logistics concerning this option, and we have been researching diligently for months to find answers. That being said, we have turned to someone we respect to share with you something to read through to help you understand our dilemma ~ Here is a look at a look at “Tak A Beautiful Game” on Kickstarter [scroll down to the FAQ about international shipping] :https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cheapassgames/tak-a-beautiful-game Here are the links from their shipping FAQ: http://somethingprettyclever.com/?p=58 http://geekandsundry.com/cthulhu-company-kickstarted-itself-to-death-then-this-happened/

We have also been in contact with fulfillment centers all across the globe, and specifically with one center that is in contact with the Berlin Tax and Customs Office to address the information contained in the link above. So far we can’t find any solution that will provide a legal way for us as a micro/small business to supply EU friendly shipping in a financially feasible manner. We want to provide this amazing product to as many as we can, and that is why we have offered our international backers such a great deal on shipping. We know this situation could be disappointing, but it’s been exciting to be able to make the Game Canopy System available to so many people around the world. We will continue to pursue more avenues to help our EU supporters, but for now, we don’t see “EU Friendly” as a feasible solution. Thank you so much for your continued support, as we work together to make this available for gamers all over the world! One final note: We are not sure when we’ll be making this available to European Retail, we hope to in the future, but the timeline is uncertain.

Last updated: May 18, 2016 21:00

Water-Resistance vs. Waterproof & Why We Made the Rain Fly:

1.) Game Canopy System protection: Both the Game Canopy and Vanguard are constructed with 1000 denier Cordura, 1/4” foam padding [now on ALL sides for the Vanguard] and an inner lining of soft nylon. We also have designed the Game Canopy with a padded zipper barrier ~ which is now included in the Vanguard! 2.) This makes the Game Canopy system both rugged, and water resistant. We also have implemented, in the design, high quality YKK zippers used for industrial purposes. Both of these factors together makes the bag repel water extremely well ~ so well in fact that, sustained exposure in a strong downpour, can lead to water leaking into the small amount of fabric on the zipper because it doesn’t soak into the Cordura. This is why we designed the rain fly [which is constructed for the Game Canopy, but does fit just fine on the Vanguard ~ it just extends beyond the bottom of the bag by several inches] Here is a great article to discuss water-resistance vs. waterproof and the purpose of a rain fly http://www.carryology.com/liking/industry/waterproof-vs-water-resistant/ While we recommend using the Rain Fly for long distances in a heavy downpour, it is not a necessity for most weather conditions.
Note: if you choose to purchase one, remember you can store it in the Saddlebag.

Last updated: May 18, 2016 21:05

Will There be Other Add-Ons for More Bags?

We made an executive decision to limit the number of options to ensure timely delivery and more cost effective shipping and handling at this time. We appreciate your interest, and we are looking to the future to find other ways to offer additional items. Again, this is to ensure the smoothest and quickest fulfillment for all our current pledges. Last updated: Fri, Apr 22 2016 12:14 am EDT

Why is the Estimated Delivery a Year Away?

We want to budget plenty of time for the manufacturing and the complete fulfillment process. At this time, we don’t know the final volume of bags being made, so we planned with that in mind. We hope to fulfill sooner, but would rather disappoint some now, with possible longer wait times, rather than frustrating all later. But rest assured, we will keep you updated along the way! Update ~ May 19, 2016 Here are some behind-the-scenes things that have been going on to help us move smoothly and efficiently through our timeline [we do trust that we will be fulfilling sooner, but have budgeted plenty of time for unforeseen delays]: 1.) We have the Game Canopy design feature locked and prototype for the upgraded Vanguard will be entering the final stages 2.) We have been in contact with Backerkit, and are moving forward with creating the post Kickstarter pledge management specifics 3.) We live close to Fieldtex ~ our chosen manufacturer and maker of industrial, medical and military high-end bags (and the creator of Ralph Lauren’s duffle design for the 2014 Sochi Olympics http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/money/business/2014/02/07/olympics-duffel-bags-fieldtex-brighton-ralph-lauren/5292583/) ~ Currently we are in contact with them weekly, and visit in person often ~ this helps to expedite changes, and gives us an opportunity to be working directly with their excellent designers and product management staff. ~ We have already talked to them about production schedules, current backer count, and the options that have unlocked in our stretch goals. All of these items fit into our timeline with very minimal extensions for the new products. 4.) We have met with our packaging manufacturer, and already have a preliminary mock-up for the custom packaging that we are designing for the Game Canopy System 5.) Fulfillment logistics is going very well, as we have had several meetings with the fulfillment provider and other customs and shipping experts We hope this helps to see how much has been going on before and during the campaign to hit the ground running once we land back on earth ;D Last updated: Thu, May 19 2016 4:49 pm EDT

Concerning International Shipping ~ & Questions About EU Friendly:

To all our EU backers ~ we wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at what we have been doing to find a solution. There are several factors going into the logistics concerning this option, and we have been researching diligently for months to find answers. That being said, we have turned to someone we respect to share with you something to read through to help you understand our dilemma ~ Here is a look at a look at “Tak A Beautiful Game” on Kickstarter [scroll down to the FAQ about international shipping] :https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cheapassgames/tak-a-beautiful-game Here are the links from their shipping FAQ: http://somethingprettyclever.com/… http://geekandsundry.com/cthulhu-company-kickstarted-itself-to-death-then-this-happened/ We have also been in contact with fulfillment centers all across the globe, and specifically with one center that is in contact with the Berlin Tax and Customs Office to address the information contained in the link above. So far we can’t find any solution that will provide a legal way for us as a micro/small business to supply EU friendly shipping in a financially feasible manner. We want to provide this amazing product to as many as we can, and that is why we have offered our international backers such a great deal on shipping. We know this situation could be disappointing, but it’s been exciting to be able to make the Game Canopy System available to so many people around the world. We will continue to pursue more avenues to help our EU supporters, but for now, we don’t see “EU Friendly” as a feasible solution. Thank you so much for your continued support, as we work together to make this available for gamers all over the world! One final note: We are not sure when we’ll be making this available to European Retail, we hope to in the future, but the timeline is uncertain. Last updated: Thu, May 19 2016 12:00 am EDT

Water-Resistance vs. Waterproof & Why We Made the Rain Fly:

1.) Game Canopy System protection: Both the Game Canopy and Vanguard are constructed with 1000 denier Cordura, 1/4” foam padding [now on ALL sides for the Vanguard] and an inner lining of soft nylon. We also have designed the Game Canopy with a padded zipper barrier ~ which is now included in the Vanguard! 2.) This makes the Game Canopy system both rugged, and water resistant. We also have implemented, in the design, high quality YKK zippers used for industrial purposes. Both of these factors together makes the bag repel water extremely well ~ so well in fact that, sustained exposure in a strong downpour, can lead to water leaking into the small amount of fabric on the zipper because it doesn’t soak into the Cordura. This is why we designed the rain fly [which is constructed for the Game Canopy, but does fit just fine on the Vanguard ~ it just extends beyond the bottom of the bag by several inches] Here is a great article to discuss water-resistance vs. waterproof and the purpose of a rain fly http://www.carryology.com/liking/industry/waterproof-vs-water-resistant/ While we recommend using the Rain Fly for long distances in a heavy downpour, it is not a necessity for most weather conditions. Note: if you choose to purchase one, remember you can store it in the Saddlebag. Last updated: Thu, May 19 2016 12:05 am EDT

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: December 2016

These dates are early estimations to give us the most flexibility in the fulfillment process. Please be aware that these dates may be moved forward to provide an early fulfillment.

Last Updated At: 06/24/16
BackerKit FAQ

What is BackerKit?

BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.

How does BackerKit work?

After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.

I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?

The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.

To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

How do I update my shipping address?

BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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